Who are we ?

Find water anywhere on the planet.

The Owater.fr site is an informative and participative site which brings together all the sources of water on the planet. Everyone can register and add the fountains and water sources near you or that you encounter during your walks and travels. All information is verified by the site administrator and by the rest of the community. However, we cannot guarantee that the water will actually be drinkable. If in doubt, refrain from drinking it or use a water filter.

This site is produced by the production company OnMyWeb Production, website development company.

The website is hosted by OVH France:

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Registered at RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z


We thank everyone who has participated or will participate in the addition of new water sources. Similarly, we would also like to particularly thank the site Gogocarto.fr which made its technical resources available and thus made possible the realization of
the largest database of water sources in the world.

You can contact us at this email address: contact@onmyweb.fr


Maps for your walks and hikes on mappi.net

Owater also exists in: French | Spanish | Portuguese | Arabic

Owater.org : All fountains and water sources also available in French on Owater.fr | Who are we ? | Sources | Partners | Contact | Information cookies | Terms of service

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